• Why 99% of Individuals choose wrong Career and how to come out of this trap..

    A big part of “growing up” in life is the huge transition from school to college and of course, answering THE question “What do you want to do in Life?”

    There should be one subject in school “You and Your Career Options”. When I had to decide where I wanted to make my future, I was not only confused but was scared to death as well. I had no clue, because my teachers or parents or friends never discussed this earlier. And suddenly everyone was asking me “What’s Next”?

    I was completely clueless. My life was all fun and games and suddenly things got serious. All of a sudden, I had to decide on something, something that would be a part of me all my life. I had no idea what to do.

    I was looking for a savior who would wave a magic wand and tell me “This is what you are supposed to do; so go ahead and do it.” Instead, I got people who were as confused, in fact more confused than me. They offered me numerous options, none of them had facts or logic connected to it. Then one day, one gentleman made a statement after looking at my marks (they were good) “I didn’t expect you are that smart, I think you should go for Engineering”.

    I took admission in engineering as I had no option left since other streams had closed admission process and thus engineering became my life for the next few years to come.
    This was my story of choosing a stream for my career. In this entire story, the #1 reason for me to take up this career choice was the EXTERNAL INFLUENCEwhich I assume happens for others too. Whenever I meet any Bachelors or Master degree student and ask them why did they choose this stream, they always come up with an answer which is an external influence.

    We are highly influenced by external factors now-a-days, like
    1. Parents
    2. Friends
    3. Relatives
    4. Other people’s results / success
    5. Social media and other media etc.

    Why do we get carried away by these External Influences?
    We humans always look for certainty or security in our life which leads us to follow external influences. We need assurance on whatever decisions we take should be accurate. Rather than focusing on learning from each experience of life, we are striving only to prove ourselves, either to self or most of the time to others.

    I am not saying seeking certainty or security is fully right or wrong. One cannot grow in his comfort zone, you have to come out of it and follow certain steps which will help you reach to your Internal Influence. Once you know where your internal influence is leading you, then seek for advices from external influences in that direction.

    Let me give you an example of this. I was discussing with one student who chose IT during graduation and after completing his graduation he realized that IT is not what he really wants to pursue all his life. Further he enrolled for MBA in marketing and discovered he would enjoy doing this all his life. He was narrating me this entire scenario. I asked him about how he got into IT, to which he replied, his sister is an IT engineer and because of that he chose to do that. Whereas when he did some brain storming on his self, he got in this field and then started following external influences in this area because now he was sure what direction he wants to go.

    “Know your internal influence first and then follow external influences in that direction”

    So, how to get back on the right track.

    It’s Simple. Focusing on discovering your “Internal Influence”

    Read this carefully, “Asking the right question is more important than having all the irrelevant answers

    Asking right question to yourself is the key to discover your inner influence. 

    Yes you read it right, you just need to discover it, rest everything will fall in place.

    Let’s do an exercise which can help discover your “Inner Influencewhich we do in one of our program called "Career Success Blueprint".

    Few instructions before you begin this exercise, try to calm your mind and body with 2 minutes slowly breathing in and out meditation. Be in a cool, calm and relaxed environment along with a pen and notepad to write.

    1. List down all the activities you really enjoy doing
    2. Write down all your strengths and weaknesses
    3. Write down all your dreams you had, especially when you were a child where no one else’s opinion mattered.

    Please note - Be as specific as possible when you are writing and doing this exercise. For example if you like helping people, then write in what ways you would like helping people. Don’t think whether you will be able to do it or not, whether it is right or wrong. Don’t limit your thoughts and beliefs, just let it out.

    Once you complete this exercise, read the list of activities that you have written and now focus on WHY. Why do you like doing these activities, what is the feeling that you get when you are involved in these activities. That’s your Inner influence. We never focus on this influence because we were never taught to do so.

    Once you complete doing this exercise, keep your hand on your heart and say “I am Awesome”
    At Koham, our mission is to help Individuals discover and unleash their Untapped Potential, leading to happy, successful and wealthy life because we believe, “You are better than what you believe you are”.

    I have a special gift for you, an Interest assessment worth Rs. 2000/- for FREE which will help you find top 2 interest areas of yours along with a detailed report. Click here to enroll yourself for the free assessment.

    Once you complete this assessment, you will also get a report in your inbox explaining your report for making a better choice in selecting a career for yourself.

    I firmly believe that there are no accidents in the universe, everything happens for a reason. If you are reading this article then this is what you were seeking and that’s why you have landed on this piece of information.

    For Your Success
    Koham – Discover Yourself

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    1 comment:

    1. One of the best information for youngsters who starting there carrier Or already started there carrier they want to change to other.


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